According to the horse’s owner, it’s tradition for the bride and groom to kiss the horse. “We were hesitant,” said Dawn. “But we both leaned in and did a kiss with the horse. After that, we were setting up for some photos with the bridal party, I looked at Joe and noticed his eye was getting really puffy. His eye swelled shut until after our receiving line at the reception.”
Dawn still can’t believe that they discovered Joe’s allergy to horses on their wedding day. So take a lesson from this couple and consider all the details when it comes to wild creatures.
- While a butterfly release seems like a magical experience, the butterflies may not feel that way. Sadly, when the boxes are opened, some may no longer be alive. Not fun for your guests, and definitely not fun for the butterflies.
- If you’re including your dog in the ceremony, assess his behavior in a real way. Can he handle the crowd?
The walk down the aisle? And who will look after him while you’re off smiling for the cameras? - Doves poop. Just something to think about as you put on that clean, white dress.
- Research the bylaws in your city. An alpaca or a goat may seem like a cute idea, until you get a ticket for having farm animals on a city street.
- Are you allergic? Or is someone in the wedding party allergic? Before you make all your bridesmaids carry puppies down the aisle, it might be something to ask.
- Know that animals eat things. A horse or goat might look at your dress or flowers as a tasty treat. You have to be on your toes and aware of your animal friends.
- If you’re really an animal lover, consider making a donation to your local animal shelter or animal charity as a wedding favour.
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