COVID-19 vaccination is a touchy subject, and one that is top of mind for everyone right now.
Recently, several instances have popped up regarding couples and their right to ask their wedding guests and/or wedding vendors if they are vaccinated. Is this the business of the couple? Do people have the right to know the medical history of their friends and family? Or do engaged couples have the right to protect themselves and their guests?
This is new territory for us all, and everyone has an opinion.
So we took it to social media, posing several questions to our Instagram followers. Here’s how it all went down:
Question #1
We have heard of couples asking that their guests be vaccinated, and even putting it on their invitations. Is this appropriate?
- Yes, it is the couple’s choice: 256 votes (57%)
- No, you can’t ask that: 190 (43%)
Question #2
If you were invited to a wedding in which guests had to be vaccinated, would you be comfortable sharing that information?
- Yes, happy to share: 349 votes (74%)
- No, that information is private: 122 votes (26%)
Question #3:
If proving your vaccination is your only option to attend a friend/family member’s wedding, you would
- Decline the invitation: 103 votes (23%)
- Offer proof of vaccination: 350 votes (77%)
Question #4:
Is it acceptable for engaged couples to ask their vendors if they are vaccinated?
- Yes: 332 votes (66%)
- No: 172 votes (34%)
We also asked wedding vendors how they felt about couples asking them if they were vaxxed, as this seems to be coming up more and more. Here are a few of the responses we received:
“If this is their way to ensure that everyone stays safe, they have every right to ask that.” -Event planner
“I’m vaxxed and I am only accepting vaxxed clients.” -Photographer
“I think it’s completely ridiculous (and yes I am vaccinated).” -Photographer
“Not ok! My body, my choice. That’s personal info and if I want to share, I will.” -Makeup artist
“I openly share it! Who knows what underlying medical conditions folks may have. If I can help with herd immunity, I will.” -Photographer
“Wow. Hot topic! I’m vaxxed, so I don’t mind at all. But I can see how it’s a bit personal.” -Planner
“Being vaccinated is considered personal medical information. I would not enjoy being asked.” -Florist
“I’m proudly double vaccinated! Let’s get back to big, safe weddings!” -Caterer
“I feel that it’s your right to know, and you’re trying to protect yourself and those around you.” -Photographer
“Inappropriate and a sad sign of the times.” -Photographer
“Totally fine! Safety is #1 to me and weddings are already a huge risk in these times.” -Photographer
“I have no problem with it. This isn’t a personal issue.” -Baker
Image by Vivian Ng Photography
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